Beers and breweries
Beers and breweries Book
Sat Jun 08, 2024
2024-06-08 13:30:00 2024-06-08 17:30:00 Europe/Brussels Beers and breweries Reservations on : -- FR - 08-06-2024 - 13h30 Niveau : Débutant Distance : 15 km   Connaissez-vous la différence entre une blanche et une pils ? Quelle est la particularité d’un lambic ? Combien de brasseries compte la capitale ? Pourquoi utilise-t-on du houblon dans le processus de brassage ? Vous trouverez réponses à toutes ces questions durant cette balade dédiée au patrimoine brassicole bruxellois. Inscrite depuis 2016 au patrimoine de l’Unesco, la culture de la bière belge est bien présente à Bruxelles. En démarrant de la maison des brasseurs sur la Grand Place, vous découvrirez autant les anciennes et nouvelles brasseries que les nombreux bars qui parsèment encore le centre-ville. Cap ensuite sur le quartier du canal et ses anciennes brasseries industrielles pour rejoindre Cantillon. La visite de cette brasserie artisanale réputée pour sa production de lambic marque un autre temps fort de la balade. Trinquons à la culture bruxelloise ! Un supplément de 5,00 € sera demandé pour la visite de la brasserie.   EN - 08-06-2024 - 13h30 Niveau : Débutant Distance : 15 km   Do you know the difference between a white beer and a pilsner? The particularities of a lambic beer? How many breweries the Belgian capital still has? What hops are exactly used for in the brewing process? All these questions, and many more, will be answered during this bike tour, dedicated to the remarkable brewing heritage of Brussels. Belgian beer culture, featured on UNESCO’s World Heritage list since 2016, is amazingly vast, and well-present in Brussels. Starting from the Maison des Brasseurs on the Grand Place, we will discover both old and new breweries, as well as many of the infamous bars which dot the city centre. Afterward we head to the canal district, with its old industrial breweries, to reach the Brussels Gueuze Museum and the Cantillon brewery. We will charge a supplement of €5,00 to visit the Cantillon brewery. Rue de Dublin 19, Ixelles, Belgique Pro Velo ASBL
Timezone : Europe/Brussels
EN - 08-06-2024 - 13h30
Niveau : Débutant
Distance : 15 km
Do you know the difference between a white beer and a pilsner? The particularities of a lambic beer? How many breweries the Belgian capital still has? What hops are exactly used for in the brewing process?
All these questions, and many more, will be answered during this bike tour, dedicated to the remarkable brewing heritage of Brussels. Belgian beer culture, featured on UNESCO’s World Heritage list since 2016, is amazingly vast, and well-present in Brussels.
Starting from the Maison des Brasseurs on the Grand Place, we will discover both old and new breweries, as well as many of the infamous bars which dot the city centre. Afterward we head to the canal district, with its old industrial breweries, to reach the Brussels Gueuze Museum and the Cantillon brewery.
We will charge a supplement of €5,00 to visit the Cantillon brewery.
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Pro Velo ASBL
19 rue de Dublin / Dublinstraat 19
02 318 84 06
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