Construction Collage online with Olga and Frederic
Construction Collage online with Olga and Frederic Book
Thu Oct 21, 2021 from 07:30 PM to 10:30 PM
2021-10-21 19:30:00 2021-10-21 22:30:00 Europe/Paris Construction Collage online with Olga and Frederic Reservations on : -- A fun collaborative workshop to understand the ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES of the construction industry. The Construction collage is played out through 45 GAME CARDS and 60 ACTION cards.The collage revolves around 5 themes: NEEDS, URBAN PLANNING, DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, USE and their CONSEQUENCES.To participate, you need a good internet connection and a laptop or a desktop computer.This will be the first test of the Construction Collage in English. The tickets are hence free but we will kindly ask you to fill in a short feedback form to help us improve the game. Cancellations: It is important that we have enough participants to test the collage so please return your ticket if you can no longer participate. online Olga Gogoleva
Timezone : Europe/Paris
A fun collaborative workshop to understand the ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES of the construction industry. 
The Construction collage is played out through 45 GAME CARDS and 60 ACTION cards.
The collage revolves around 5 themes: NEEDS, URBAN PLANNING, DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, USE and their CONSEQUENCES.
To participate, you need a good internet connection and a laptop or a desktop computer.

This will be the first test of the Construction Collage in English. The tickets are hence free but we will kindly ask you to fill in a short feedback form to help us improve the game. 

Cancellations: It is important that we have enough participants to test the collage so please return your ticket if you can no longer participate.
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