The annual Kinomichi Bokken session 2022
from the 3rd of april to 8th of may.
6 sunday evening from 8pm to 9.30pm
What are we practicing?
Kinomichi emerges from Aikido. Both arts are normally practiced in a dojo with a partner. They put as well an emphasis on the practice of Jo (wood stick) and bokken (wooden sabre).
This online session will connect Kinomichi International Center in Paris called Korindo Dojo, with people from all over the world, practicing from their home, gardens, dojos, friends place, etc.
Full beginners are welcome as well as advanced practionners and teachers.
Through the discovery and practice of bokken, Kinomichi fondamentals will be highlighted. The progression of each courses will allow everyone to feel at ease and to connect their own sensation.
Here are some of the main principles transmited in Kinomichi: Earth and Sky connection, Opening body and mind to Give and Welcome, Partnership, Smile, Suppleness, Spirale, Smoothness (also called Sexy), Budo's tradition, all of that supported by martial principles.
After inscription, an email will be sent to you 7 days before the session. If you do not receive it, please notify us on the following adress:
An unique link and password will be provided to you.
With the link and password you are allowed to connect to the 6 sessions.
Zoom software and application will be used to connect yourself from wherever your are with a computer, a tablet or a mobile phone.
People who discover bokken for the first time must find a standard bokken on internet or in martial arts stores.
For Kinomichika and martial artists, the usual outfit they would use in the dojo must be worn during the sessions
At home, any kind of space you feel confortable with is ok to practice. You will be in charge of your own adaptations in case you have issues with ceiling, walls, furniture, etc.
Channel will open at every sunday at 7.30pm
Lesson starts at 8pm, microphones must be turned of, camera must be turned on
Late comers are welcome but please, be ready on time.
Lesson finishes at 9.30pm, after bowing, the channel will be quickly turned off.