The Tree of Light
The Tree of Light Book
Thu Jul 13, 2023 to Sun Aug 13, 2023
2023-07-13 14:00:00 2023-08-13 19:50:00 Europe/Paris The Tree of Light Reservations on : -- English below   Dans des temps immémoriaux, un esprit du soleil a placé son cœur dans un arbre. Devenu Arbre-Soleil, l’obscurité du monde disparut. La vie, elle, rayonna. Mais l’énergie de l’Arbre-Soleil n’est pas éternelle. Tous les cent ans, les vivants, animaux, végétaux, humains confondus, se rassemblent pour lui restituer sa flamme. Et ce moment est arrivé… A vous de raviver  l'énergie d'un Arbre-Soleil !   L'Arbre-Soleil est une expérience immersive sans écrans qui prend place dans une yourte. Vous découvrirez ce monde merveilleux avec un casque audio sur les oreilles, transporté.e par la magie du son 3D et des lumières interactives. Ce spectacle famillial émerveille et apaise les enfants comme les grands en transportant toute la famille dans une forêt enchantée.   "Enchanteur", "magique" et "apaisant" L'Arbre-Soleil, c’est la promesse d’un moment suprenant, merveilleux et poétique à découvrir en couple, entre amis ou en famille.     Ce qui vous attend : -> Une expérience au son spatialisé unique avec des lumières interactives -> Un moment d'apaisement -> Un récit original qui vous invite à raviver l'énergie d'un arbre magique   Informations pratiques : NB : merci d'arriver au moins 5 minutes avant le début de votre séance ⏳ Durée : 20 minutes Âge requis : 6 ans et plus  ♿ Accessibilité : accessible en fauteuil roulant ❓ Consulte la FAQ de cette expérience ici   --------   In time immemorial, a sun spirit placed his heart in a tree. It became the Tree of Light, and the darkness of the world disappeared. Life shone forth. But the Tree's energy is not eternal. Every hundred years, the living - animals, plants and humans alike - gather to restore its flame.   And that time has come... It's up to you to rekindle the energy of the Tree of Light!   The Tree of Light is an immersive, screen-free experience that takes place in a yurt. You'll discover this wonderful world with headphones on, transported by the magic of 3D sound and interactive lights. This family-friendly show will delight and soothe children and adults alike, transporting the whole family into an enchanted forest.   "Enchanting", "magical" and "soothing" L'Arbre-Soleil is the promise of a suprising, marvelous and poetic moment to discover as a couple, with friends or as a family. What awaits you? -> A unique spatialized sound experience with interactive lights -> A soothing moment -> An original story that invites you to rekindle the energy of a magical tree.   Practical information: NB : please arrive at least 5 minutes before the start of your session ⏳ Durée : 20 minutes Minimum Age : 6 years old min. ♿ Accessibility: wheelchair accessible ❓ Read the FAQ about this experience here Pasino du Havre, Place Jules Ferry, Le Havre, France ONYO
Timezone : Europe/Paris
In time immemorial, a sun spirit placed his heart in a tree. It became the Tree of Light, and the darkness of the world disappeared. Life shone forth. But the Sun-Tree's energy is not eternal. Every hundred years, the living - animals, plants and humans alike - gather to restore its flame. And that time has come... It's up to you to rekindle the energy of a Tree of Ligjht!
The Tree of Light is an immersive experience that takes place in a yurt. You'll discover this wonderful world with headphones on, transported by the magic of 3D sound and interactive lights.
This family show is sure to delight and soothe children and adults alike, transporting the whole family into an enchanted forest.
Enchanting, original and Wow! "The Tree of Light" is the promise of a suprising, marvelous and soothing moment to discover with friends or family.

What's in store for you?
-> A unique spatialized sound experience with interactive lights
-> A soothing moment
-> An original story that invites you to rekindle the energy of a magical tree
-> A surprise to discover at the end
Practical information :
NB: please arrive at least 5 minutes before the start of your session
⏳ Duration: 20 minutes
Age requirement: 5 years and over
♿ Accessibility: wheelchair accessible
❓ See the FAQ for this experience here
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